Objective: To design and simulate binary baseband and passband communication systems in the presence of noise.

Description: Binary data is transmitted using antipodal rectangular pulses of duration T over an AWGN channel. The receiver is a correlation device followed by an threshold device. We also consider On-Off, Orthogonal and PSK modulation schemes.



  1. Submit a block diagram of your Simulink model.
  2. Calculate the threshold values for the four cases.
  3. Evaluate using equations, the probabilities of error for the four cases. Match these with the observed values. Use the command Qfunction to evaluate the Q function values in matlab
  4. Explain why the correlator needs to be reset. How often does it need to be reset?
  5. Extra credit: You saw that there was a small difference between the measured and theoretically predicted values of the probabilities of error. Use the matlab function binopdf to comment on this difference. Hint: The reliability of measured probabilities of error depends on the number of bits transmitted in the simulation.

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